Announcement For Press Members About 99th Anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli

New York Başkonsolosluğu 11.04.2014
Activities to mark the 99th Anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli will take place on April 24-25, 2014 in Çanakkale.
Members of the press who wish to cover the activities should apply for accreditation to the address below by e-mailuntil April 11th, 2014 at 5 pm.
a.Members of the national pressshould legibly fill in the enclosedaccreditation form and attach a copy of their press card. (Media members without this press card should apply with a letter of authorization from theirmedia organization and a copy of their official ID cards.)
b.Resident members of the foreign press in Turkeyshould legibly fill in the enclosedaccreditation form and attach a copy of their press card.
c.Members of the foreign press coming from abroadshould legibly fill in the enclosedaccreditation form and attach a copy of their local press card, a letter of authorization from theirmedia organization and a copy of their passport.
Basın Yayın ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüğü
(Directorate General of Press and Information)
Enformasyon Dairesi Başkanlığı
Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Caddesi No: 122
Balgat- ANKARA
Tel: +90-312 583 62 49
Incomplete applications and requests received afterApril 11 will not be processed.
Accreditation forms can be downloaded
Only a limited number of uplink and other vehicles carrying technical equipment are allowed to enter the ceremony areas, and these vehicles should have separate accreditation.
Information about such vehicles should be forwarded through enclosed Vehicle Accreditation Form to the above contact address no later than April 11th, 2014 Friday at 5 pm.
All the fields in the vehicle accreditation form should be filled in. If not, the applications will be invalid.
Uplink and other vehicles carrying technical equipment without an accreditation card will not be allowed to enter the ceremony areas. Press members who are not accredidated cannot benefit from press facilities or arrangements.
Accreditation cards should be collected in person from the Press Desk to be set in AkolHotel(Address: Kordonboyu - Çanakkale, Tel: +90-286–217 94 56, Faks: +90-286-217 28 97)on April 22 and 23, 2014.
A briefing will be held on April 23, 2014 Monday, at 4 pm in Akol Hotel for Turkish and foreign members of the pressregarding media arrangements for the activities that will take place on April, 24 and 25, 2014.


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