Message Of The President On The Occasion Of The First Anniversary Of The World Humanitarian Summit

Turkuno Daimi Temsilciliği 24.05.2017

A year ago, we successfully organized the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit on 23-24 May 2016 in Istanbul with a record level of participation, aiming to approach one step closer to our ideal of a peaceful, prosperous and just world.

The Istanbul Summit has become a landmark event for the international community in search of more effective and sustainable solutions to tackling humanitarian crises, natural disasters, conflicts and drought.

The İstanbul Summit which brought together all stakeholders of the global humanitarian assistance system for the first time in history, provided a unique opportunity to grow new hopes for our future through its outcomes and the solidarity displayed during the Summit.

Hosting three million refugees fleeing conflicts in Syria and Iraq for the past 6 years, Türkiye makes vigorous efforts to put into action the commitments made at the Summit.

As the members of a civilization believing in the value of sharing and which considers it vileness to sleep in full stomach while their neighbors are in hunger, we are determined to continue our development-oriented humanitarian assistance to those countries in need, irrespective of their language, religion or region.

It is of utmost importance that countries with better financial means, particularly European nations, also fulfil their responsibilities with a view to finding solutions to the challenges that affect 125 million people around the World.

The bitter experiences of recent years have clearly shown that humanitarian crises cannot be overcome by security-focused, introversive and marginalizing policies.

As Türkiye, we attach importance to maintaining the momentum generated by the İstanbul Summit and call upon all UN countries and international organizations as well as stakeholders of the humanitarian assistance system to uphold their commitments.


Muhittin Ahmet Yazal Consul General
Monday - Friday

09:00 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 16:00

Visa: Monday - Friday 09:00-13:00
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