No: 141, 4 June 2023, Press Release Regarding the Elections for Council Membership of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 04.06.2023

In the elections held during the 14th General Assembly of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), held in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro on 3 June 2023, Türkiye was re-elected to the IALA Council which is the executive body of the said organization.

Since 2006, Türkiye has continuously been a member of the IALA Council, where it is represented by the Directorate General of Coastal Safety under the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. The re-election of Türkiye to the IALA Council for the 5th time demonstrates that our country's knowledge and experience in the field of naval security and marine aids to navigation are appreciated.


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