No: 230, 19 September 2023, Press Release Regarding the Drone Attack on Arbat Airport in Sulaymaniyah

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 19.09.2023

We closely monitor the terrorist activities of the PKK and its extensions in Iraq, which were intensified especially in the north of the country, as well as the mobility through the terror corridor established between Syria and Iraq.

In this vein, the developments related to the explosion that took place on 18 September 2023 at Arbat Airport in Sulaymaniyah are noteworthy.

It is understood that the members of the PUK’s “Anti-Terrorist Group” were conducting a training exercise together with PKK/YPG terrorists at the time of the explosion.

This development is quite disturbing as it has clearly revealed the cooperation between PUK’s security apparatus and members of the terrorist organization.

This latest incident has also confirmed once again the accuracy of the measures we have taken regarding Sulaymaniyah, the people of which are almost taken hostage by the terrorist organization.

Türkiye expects both the Iraqi Government and the KRG authorities to designate PKK and its affiliates as terrorist organization, and to fight terrorism in a sincere and concrete manner.


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