No: 33, 20 February 2024, Regarding the Participation of H.E. Mr. Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, in the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting

Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 20.02.2024

H.E. Mr. Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, will attend the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting to be hosted by the G20 Brazilian Presidency in Rio de Janeiro on 21-22 February 2024.

The meeting will focus on G20’s role in overcoming the ongoing international challenges and global governance reform.

During the sessions and bilateral meetings, Minister Fidan will draw attention to the ongoing atrocities and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Minister Fidan will also underline the necessity to reform the global governance platforms, particularly the UN Security Council, and share Türkiye’s views on how to make global governance more democratic and effective.

On the margins of the G20 meeting, Minister Fidan will participate in the 25th MIKTA (Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Türkiye, Australia) Foreign Ministers Meeting.


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