Announcement on Türkevi Project Tender (Nov 16, 2016)

New York Başkonsolosluğu 16.11.2016

Notice For Tender - General Construction, 16/11/2016

The Republic of Turkey announces an open invitation to firms to review and respond to the attached Request for Proposal (Tender) and General Contractor Agreement to act as the General Contractor for the construction of the New Turkevi Center at 821 United Nations Plaza, 342 East 46thStreet and 344 East 46thStreet in New York City.

The proposed project consists of approximately 217,500 SF and 35 floors and includes both commercial office and residential space. This invitation is open to allunion-affiliatedparticipants with commercial and residential high-rise experience, including but not limited to, new or already established Joint Ventures that meet the following criteria and if a Joint Venture, whereoneof the Joint Venture partners meet these same criteria):

1. Evidence of General Contractor licensure in New York State for at least the last five years, including such evidence for any former entity if the contractor entity has changed as a result of acquisition, merger, consolidation or other transfer or reorganization;

2. Average Minimum Annual Volume of $300M for similar construction work in NYC (five Boroughs) over the last three calendar years;

3. At least one project completed in the last three calendar years in any of the five boroughs exceeding 200,000 SF and with a construction value not less than $200,000,000;

4. No pending legal actions and if any are current, cite the steps taken to remedy the issue;

5. Bonding Capacity that exceeds $300,000,000 with a 10% Bid Bond
in place for not less than 90 days;

6. Insurance capacity that exceeds $250,000,000 in aggregate;

7. Willingness to provide a Stipulated Sum on completed Construction Documents using the standard AIA A101 and A201 Agreement, as modified, including, without limitation, liquidated damages for late completion;

8. Ability to work with a 30 day payment schedule after Architect’s final approval and certification of your G-702 Application for Payment;

9. Ability to certify that all personnel working on site will have passed typical police and security background checks;

10. Submission of Union Agreements for major subcontractors including, but not limited to, concrete, structure, curtain wall, mechanical/electrical/plumbing, among others.

11. Submission of your five-year safety reports (Experience Modification Rating) and

12. Evidence of currently valid NYC Vendex.

13. For further additional requirements please see the relevant sections of the attached RFP.

The Tender Process will proceed in two phases.Phase One is the Technical Proposal that will be due on December 9, 2016 and subsequent interviews will be conducted the week of December 12, 2016. Questions on RFP, General Contractor Agreement, Legal, Insurance Issues must be Submitted no later than November 22nd, 2016 via

Phase Two is the Pricing Phase - Firms that are deemed qualified to proceed to Phase Two will be so advised after interviews are completed and bid documents will be distributed to those firms for the development of a Firm Fixed Price that will be due on March 14, 2017.

A schedule for Questions and Answers and other details is found in Section 6.0 of the Tender.

Biddersmustsubmittheirtechnicalproposals (aServiceReportandaSchedule Narrative togetherwiththeirQualificationDocuments) inasealedenvelope/boxon or beforeDecember 9, 201610 AM EST. The Owner reserves the right to reject any proposals received after time on the date specified. Proposals,addressed totheTurkevi Center Project Selection Committee”,willbe submittedto the followingaddress:

New “TurkeviCenter” ProjectSelection Committee

ConsulateGeneral ofTurkeyinNew York

8253rdAvenue,Ground Floor Security Desk

New York, New York

Attention:Consul General, Ertan Yalcin

GC Technical Proposals

To get the copy of General Contractor Agreement please contact

For further details and in order to comply with the requirements in full, please see the attached RFP or visit

Related Documents

15.0 Final GC RFP 111016 Revised CLEAN.docx

Tender Milestones-Ek-D.pdf


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