Notice for Tender

New York Başkonsolosluğu 07.08.2017

Notice For Tender

Special Inspections and Laboratory Services, 08/07/2017

The Republic of Turkey announces an open invitation to firms to review and respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP) to act as Special Inspections and Laboratory Services (Third Party Inspection) Contractor for the construction of the New Turkevi Center at:821 United Nations Plaza, 342 East 46thStreet &344 East 46thStreet in New York City

The construction of the new building is planned to commence in October 2017 and in accordance with the City of New York requirements and the Department of Buildings codes, the Republic of Turkey will require the services of a certified “Special Inspections Professional Firm”.

The proposed project consists of approximately 217,500 SF and 35 floors and includes both commercial office and residential space. This invitation is open to “Special Inspections Professional Firm” that meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum Qualification Requirements (all must be satisfied):

a) The Bidder shall be a qualified and accredited Special Inspections Professional conducting business in the City of New York for no less than five (5) years;

b) Within the last five (5) years, the Bidder must have served as a Special Inspections Professional to a public or private entity for the construction project of at least 200,000 SF or $300,000,000 value in New York, Manhattan.

c) Within the last 5 years, the bidder for the geotechnical special inspections, must have served as a Special Inspections Professional for the construction project basements deeper than at least 2 cellar levels below grade in Manhattan, New York.

d) The bidder for the geotechnical special inspections must employ at least five (5) practicing professional engineers licensed in the State of New York.

  • Proposals that fail to meet the minimum qualification requirements will be rejected.
  • Proposal shall include the following documentation:

a) Vendex. Current “Vendex” form as given by the City of New York.

b) Balance Sheet. Certified copy of the audited balance sheet for the last three (3) years or similar acceptable documentation from a Certified Public Accountant.

c) Tax and insurance clearance certificate(s).

d) Certificate of insurance.

e) Trade registration certificate.

The tender will be conducted as follow:

Bidders will submit their Proposal Documents, in a sealed envelope/box latest on Tuesday August 25th, 2017 at 9:00:00 am. Proposals, addressed to the “Turkevi Center Project Selection Committee”, will be submitted to the following address:

New “Turkevi Center” Project Selection Committee

Address: Consulate General of Turkey in New York

825 3rd Avenue, 5th Floor

New York, New York 10022

  • Technically, financially and legally incompetent bidders shall be excluded from the tender.
  • Competent bidders (firms who submit complete/proper proposals: Service Report, Schedule, Qualification Documents and Price Proposal) will be invited to attend an interviews on 28th and 29th August, 2017. The notification for interviews will be sent to competent bidders on August 25th, 2017, by fax, e-mail and mail.
  • A Draft Agreement will be made available, by request, based on the scope of services, insurance requirements and terms and conditions set forth in the RFP. Draft Agreement can be requested via Türk Evi Projesi

    Related Documents

    Special Inspections and Laboratory Testing RFP August 4 2017 DRAFT V8.docx


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